Determined 22-year-old Kaia and her best friend Lu seek to establish themselves as aspiring musicians, desiring to find their tribe and a sense of belonging in the process. However, their conditions don’t serve them and they long for more. Kaia and Lu endure yet another unsuccessful performance, enigmatic rockstar Earl invites them to the ‘Outlaw Paradise’ with the promise of performing and a community of people just like them. Thus begins our story of self-discovery and the beauty of platonic love as Kaia and Lu are lured into a labyrinthine ranch where a deceptively charismatic Earl and his commune of alienated youth reside. Things are not what they appear to be and Kaia and Lu must stay true to themselves and each other to avoid becoming entrapped in a world of lost souls.
Napalm Roses is currently on the festival circuit having premiered on the Melbourne International film festival player.
Cowboy shit.